PVC Pipe Market Application


Ningbo Fangli Technology Co., Ltd machinamenta mechanica cum XXX fere annis experientiis plasticae organum organum extructum, novum tutelae environmental et novas materias armorum. Cum Fangli erectio eius in usoris usore effecta est poscit. Per continuam emendationem, independens R&D in nucleo ars et digestio & effusio technologiae provectae et alia modo elaboravimus PVC fistulam extrusionem lineam, PP-R fistulam extrusionem lineam, PEq aquae copia / organum gasi extrutionis lineae, quae commendatur a Sinensi Ministerium Constructionis reponere importata products. Adepti sumus titulo of "Fir-class Brand in Zhejiang Province".


PVC-U tibiae commoda generalia habent fistulae plasticae, ut densitas humilis, tractatio opportuna, oneratio et exoneratio; et institutionem; bona chemica resistentia, haud facile corrodenda; bonum Nulla; murus interior laevis, resistentia fluida parva, et vehemens magna capacitas; non afficit aquae qualitatem; In praeterea tibiae PVC-U commoda etiam habent quae generales fistulae plasticae non faciunt habere, ut alta vis, summus anulus rigor, flamma retardatio, tempestas resistentia, et magna mercede facienda. Ex observantia et commoda tibiae PVC-U, late in hisce agris adhibita est;Urban and ruris aquae copia, fistulae defossa incile, fistulae rusticae irrigationes;Aedificationis copia aquae et adficio fistulae, tibiae electricae;Foris Telecommunicationum fune tibiarum recondunt;Pipelines for chemica engineering, sal (mare) aquae translationem engineering, submersio machinator;Pipelines for mine limbis engineering and via engineer.


PVC-U pipeline has always been the most widely used plastic piping system in the world because of its high modulus, high strength and low price. However, for a long time, the performance of PVC pipes has not improved much, and PVC-U pipes are still the mainstay. Due to the obvious progress in the performance of resins such as HDPE (such as PE63, PE80 and PE100), in the selection of pipe materials in some areas, PVC and PE have formed competition. In the past ten years, foreign countries have continuously explored the performance of PVC-U piping system and broadened the application field of PVC-U piping. The following remarkable results have been achieved: From the perspective of formula optimization, the development of impact performance and crack resistance performance High-strength modified PVC piping system (PVC-M); from the perspective of process improvement, biaxially oriented PVC pipes with high strength, high toughness, impact resistance and fatigue resistance are far superior to ordinary PVC-U pipes. (PVC -O). PVC-M and PVC-O pipes overcome the brittleness of PVC-U pipes, and their toughness is significantly improved, while maintaining a strength close to that of PVC-U. Therefore, higher design stress can be adopted, which has the advantages of saving materials and increasing the diameter, which is in line with the general direction of saving resources, so that PVC-M and PVC-O pipes are widely used in urban and rural water supply and mining pipelines.


In processus conservandi et dilatandi forum organi PVC-U, notandum est tantum pretii commodo niti sed technologico uti debet ut continue emendare pipe faciendum et emendare materiam sumptus perficiendi, ita ut materias PVC tibiae magni momenti obtineant positus in schedula diu.


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